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Dyer’s Coreopsis

Coreopsis tinctoria


1 oz/28g


Dyer’s Coreopsis, also called golden tickseed or calliopsis, is native to North America and can produce rich colors ranging from warm tans to deep orange to rust and bronze-y brown. It will yield a more reddish shade with a pinch of soda ash added to the bath. Coreopsis works best on protein fibers and yields more muted shades on cellulose fibers. The flowers are the main dyestuff, and come in an unpredictable variety of petal shapes, sizes, and gold-maroon-red combinations. Very fun in the garden!


Add the flowers to the dye pot, cover with water and simmer for about 60 minutes to extract the color. Strain the dye liquid and return to the dye pot. Add fibers and simmer until the desired shade is achieved, generally 30-60 minutes. Each bag of dried flower is 28 grams and will dye 60-120 grams of fiber. Color fastness: excellent

dyer's coreopsis

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